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Health & Safety


In the building

  • Only staff and students will be allowed inside the building at this time.

  • Daily sanitation and weekly deep clean. 

  • Designated sick space in the building to wait until sick individual can leave. 

  • Practice and maintain social distancing.

  • No strollers or car seats to be left inside Center.

  • Increased circulation for outdoor air as much as possible.


In the classroom

  • Pod system: Dividing students and teachers into distinct groups that stay together throughout an entire school day to minimize cross-contamination.

  • A pair of inside shoes will be kept at Center. 

  • Nap time: kids are spread out with more than 6 feet in between beds. Increased laundering of bedding.

  • "Clean me" bucket to sanitize after use. 


Drop off/Pick up

  • Daily health check before entering building (series of questions, temperature taken, and hand sanitizing) for both staff and students 

  • Contactless drop off and pick up procedures, all done outside the building.

  • Parents are required to wear masks and maintain social disntancing



  • Masks and gloves are required of all staff.

  • Children 2+ are strongly encouraged to use masks.

  • Teachers will wear uniforms that are not to be worn outside and washed frequently.


Protective Measures

  • Washing hands upon arrival at school, after going to the bathroom, before eating, after blowing one's nose, when visibly dirty. If hand washing is not readily available, hand sanitizer is placed in all rooms. 

  • Covering couch + sneezing into our arm.

  • Not touching eyes, nose, and mouth

  • Weekly visits from our Nurse. 

  • List of qualified substitutes if staff is out sick.

  • Social distancing, of course!

  • Parents are asked to keep children at home if they have a fever, shortness of breath, or cough. 


Showing symptoms?

  • If someone becomes sick while at school, they will isolate int he designated sick space until they can leave.

  • Individual should have a clinical assessment. If symptoms are COVID-19 like, the sick individual should get a COVID-19 test.

  • Sick individuals should remain in home isolation until testing is completed. If COVID-19 negative, the ciild or staff should remain out of daycare until they have been afebrile (fever-free) for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. 

  • If not tested, individual must return to school with a medical note of alternative diagnosis.

  • If tested and positive, individual must complete 10 days of isolation from the date of first symptom onset

  • If tested positive and determined to have been within the daycare during the 48 hours prior to symptom onset, the Center will temporarily close for disinfection. Those in their pod are required to get tested. 

Mother and Daughter

Our COVID-19 trained staff members have continued to deliver the best practices in order to maintain the health and safety of our Center. Because what matters most in your home, matters most in ours. If you would like a copy of our detailed COVID-19 Action Plan, please email

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